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Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR)
Financial Report Financial Status Report
Eligible costs Allowable costs
Equipment Equipment
Financial Signatory Financial Status Report Role
Applicant Pass-Through Entity
Conflict of interest Conflict of interest
Annex Appendix
Accession forms Subaward
no corresponding term Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN)
Call Identifier Opportunity Number
Coordinator Lead Institution
Grant Agreement Notice of Award
Legal Signatory Signing Official
Participant Identification Code (PIC) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
no corresponding term Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
no corresponding term Representations and Certifications
Overheads Facilities and Administrative Costs
Participant Portal
Participant Portal ERA Commons
Member State State
Partner Collaborator
Partner Subrecipient
Coordinator Pass-through Entity
Eligibility criteria Eligibility criteria
Two-stage call Pre-Proposal
Work Package Subproject
no corresponding term Specific Aims
no corresponding term CAGE Code
no corresponding term Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC)
Specific Programme no corresponding term
Type of Action no corresponding term
Work Programme no corresponding term
Third party Corresponding term unknown
Corresponding term unknown Other Significant Contributor
Third Country no corresponding term
Team Member no corresponding term
Topic Corresponding term unknown
Corresponding term unknown Broad Agency Announcement
Grant Grant
Submission Submission
Account Administrator Account Administrator
Funding Body Federal Awarding Agency
Call for Proposals Funding Opportunity Announcement
Deadline Deadline Date
Background Background
no corresponding term Background Inventions
Foreground Subject Invention
Receipts Program income
Final reporting Closeout
Prize no corresponding term
National Contact Points no corresponding term
Mobility allowance Relocation Expenses
European Research Council no corresponding term
Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions no corresponding term
Innovation Actions no corresponding term
Innovation Union no corresponding term
Evaluation Threshold NIH Proposal Rating
Horizon 2020 no corresponding term
Global Fellowships no corresponding term
Contractor Contractor
no corresponding term Congressional District
no corresponding term Continuation
Contribution in kind Cost Sharing
Award Award
Tender Request for Tender
Contract Contract
no corresponding term Cooperative Agreement
Description of the action Statement of Work
Beneficiary Register System for Award Management
Annotated Model Grant Agreement Research Terms and Conditions
Proposal Proposal
Budget Budget
Amendment Modification
no corresponding term Pre-Award Costs
no corresponding term Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
no corresponding term Employer Identification Number
no corresponding term Pass-through funding
no corresponding term Debarment and Suspension
Access rights no corresponding term known
Innovation and Networks Executive Agency no corresponding term known
Innovation indicators no corresponding term known
Academic Freedom Act Corresponding term unknown
Academic and creative arts staff Corresponding term unknown
Academic degree Corresponding term unknown
Academic sector Corresponding term unknown
Access Corresponding term unknown
Access to risk finance Corresponding term unknown
Accompanying Measure Corresponding term unknown
Action Line Corresponding term unknown
Actual costs Corresponding term unknown
Ad-hoc communication systems Corresponding term unknown
Additional Cost Corresponding term unknown
Administrative forms Corresponding term unknown
Advanced Communications Technologies and Services Corresponding term unknown
Adventure projects Corresponding term unknown
Adveres Event Corresponding term unknown
Affiliated entity Corresponding term unknown
Alternative Dispute Resolution Corresponding term unknown
Ambient Intelligence Corresponding term unknown
Application package Corresponding term unknown
Apprentice Corresponding term unknown
Arbitration Corresponding term unknown
Article 169 Corresponding term unknown
Article 171 Corresponding term unknown
Artistic works Corresponding term unknown
Assessment Action Corresponding term unknown
Assessments Corresponding term unknown
Assignment of IPR Corresponding term unknown
Associated State Corresponding term unknown
Associated partner Corresponding term unknown
Audit certificates Corresponding term unknown
Authorities and organisations with responsibility for security Corresponding term unknown
Authorship Corresponding term unknown
Award Criteria Corresponding term unknown
BAföG rate of students in central higher education semesters Corresponding term unknown
Bachelor Corresponding term unknown
Basic IT protection Corresponding term unknown
Basic act Corresponding term unknown
Best Practice actions Corresponding term unknown
Blocking patents Corresponding term unknown
Bologna Process Corresponding term unknown
Brain circulation Corresponding term unknown
Brain drain Corresponding term unknown
Brand Corresponding term unknown
Bulletin Board Service Corresponding term unknown
Bursary Corresponding term unknown
Business Cooperation Database Corresponding term unknown
COFUND Corresponding term unknown
CORDIS Corresponding term unknown
COST Corresponding term unknown
CREST Corresponding term unknown
Call Coordinator Corresponding term unknown
Call Number Funding Opportunity Number
Call page Corresponding term unknown
Call publication Corresponding term unknown
Candidate Countries Corresponding term unknown
Carnegie Corresponding term unknown
Certificate on the Financial Statement A-133 Report
Certification of a proposal Corresponding term unknown
Change of control Corresponding term unknown
Circumvention devices Corresponding term unknown
Civil Society Organisation Corresponding term unknown
Civil society Corresponding term unknown
Close-to-market action Corresponding term unknown
Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers Corresponding term unknown
Cofunding of regional, national & int'l programmes Corresponding term unknown
Collaborative Projects Corresponding term unknown
Collective Responsibility Corresponding term unknown
Comitology Corresponding term unknown
Commissioner Corresponding term unknown
Common Agriculture Policy Corresponding term unknown
Common Fisheries Policy Corresponding term unknown
Communication Corresponding term unknown
Communication Network Development Corresponding term unknown
Community Registered Design Corresponding term unknown
Community Research and Development Information System Corresponding term unknown
Community financial contribution Corresponding term unknown
Competitive call Corresponding term unknown
Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme Corresponding term unknown
Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Corresponding term unknown
Computer-implemented invention Corresponding term unknown
Concertation Corresponding term unknown
Consensus Discussion Corresponding term unknown
Consensus meeting Corresponding term unknown
Consortium Agreement Corresponding term unknown
Continuous Submission Scheme Corresponding term unknown
Continuously Open Call Corresponding term unknown
Contract Preparation Forms Corresponding term unknown
Coordination and Support Action Corresponding term unknown
Collaboration Agreement Corresponding term unknown
Research Collaboration Agreement Research Collaboration Agreement
Confidential information Confidential Information
Confidentiality agreement Confidentiality Agreement
Non disclosure agreement Non-disclosure Agreement
Associated countries no corresponding term
Consortium Consortium
Action Corresponding term unknown
Arbiration Corresponding term unknown
Arts and Humanities Research Council Corresponding term unknown
Association of Research Managers and Administrators Corresponding term unknown
Background Intellectual Property Rights Corresponding term unknown
Boilerplate clauses Corresponding term unknown
Chancellor Corresponding term unknown
Consideration Corresponding term unknown
Contract Research Agreement Corresponding term unknown
Country correction coefficient Corresponding term unknown
Cut-off date Corresponding term unknown
Cutting-edge technology Corresponding term unknown
Cyber security Corresponding term unknown
Data Management Plan Corresponding term unknown
Database Corresponding term unknown
Declaration of honour Corresponding term unknown
Delegation of authorities Corresponding term unknown
Demonstration Project Corresponding term unknown
Demonstration activities Demonstration activities
Description of Work Corresponding term unknown
Direct Costs to project Corresponding term unknown
Direct Resarch Costs Corresponding term unknown
Disallowed Costs Disallowed Costs
Disclosure Disclosure
Dissemination Corresponding term unknown
ERC Executive Agency Corresponding term unknown
ERC Scientific Council Corresponding term unknown
ERC Scientific Council Member Corresponding term unknown
EUIPO Corresponding term unknown
EURATOM Corresponding term unknown
EURAXESS Corresponding term unknown
EURAXESS Links Corresponding term unknown
EUREKA Corresponding term unknown
Economic Rights Corresponding term unknown
Effective Data Corresponding term unknown
Electronic Submission Corresponding term unknown
Embargo period Corresponding term unknown
Enterprise Europe Network Corresponding term unknown
Entrepreneurship Corresponding term unknown
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme Corresponding term unknown
Entry into force Corresponding term unknown
Equity investment Corresponding term unknown
Erasmus+ Corresponding term unknown
Escrow agreement Corresponding term unknown
Ethical issues table Corresponding term unknown
Ethics Appraisal Corresponding term unknown
Ethics Review Corresponding term unknown
Europe 2020 Corresponding term unknown
European Commission Authentication Service Corresponding term unknown
European Economic Area Corresponding term unknown
European Fellowships Corresponding term unknown
European Framework Programme for Research Corresponding term unknown
European Industrial Doctorates Corresponding term unknown
European Innovation Partnerships Corresponding term unknown
European Institute of Innovation and Technology Corresponding term unknown
European Investment Bank Corresponding term unknown
European Joint Doctorates Corresponding term unknown
European Patent Corresponding term unknown
European Research Advisory Board Corresponding term unknown
European Research Area and Innovation Comittee Corresponding term unknown
European Researcher's Night Corresponding term unknown
European Training Networks Corresponding term unknown
European Union Corresponding term unknown
European Union trade mark Corresponding term unknown
European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership Corresponding term unknown
Eurostars Corresponding term unknown
Evaluation Corresponding term unknown
Evaluation Procedure Corresponding term unknown
Evaluation Review Procedure Corresponding term unknown
Evaluation Summary Report Corresponding term unknown
Evaluation score Corresponding term unknown
Excellence Initiative Corresponding term unknown
Excellent Science Corresponding term unknown
Exclusion Criteria Corresponding term unknown
Exclusive License Agreement Corresponding term unknown
Executive Agency Corresponding term unknown
Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Corresponding term unknown
Expert Commission on Research and Innovation Corresponding term unknown
FP7 Corresponding term unknown
Fair and Reasonable Conditions Corresponding term unknown
Fair reasonable and non-discriminatory Corresponding term unknown
Family allowance Corresponding term unknown
Fellowship Fellowship
Fellowship programmes Corresponding term unknown
First-year students Corresponding term unknown
Foreground Intellectual Property Rights Corresponding term unknown
Form C Corresponding term unknown
Free software Corresponding term unknown
Fundable Itmes Corresponding term unknown
Fundamental research Fundamental Research
Future and Emerging Technologies Open Corresponding term unknown
Future and Emerging Technologies Proactive Corresponding term unknown
Gender Action Plan Corresponding term unknown
Global Science Forum Corresponding term unknown
Gold open access / open access publishing Corresponding term unknown
Goods and Services Tax Corresponding term unknown
Government expenditure on R&D Corresponding term unknown
Grace Period Grace period
Green open access / self-archiving Corresponding term unknown
Guarantee Corresponding term unknown
Habilitation Corresponding term unknown
Harmonised Database Corresponding term unknown
Horizon 2020 Helpdesk Corresponding term unknown
Host institution Corresponding term unknown
IP Valuation Corresponding term unknown
IT Helpdesk Corresponding term unknown
Implementation Plan Corresponding term unknown
Independence Corresponding term unknown
Independent Observers Corresponding term unknown
Indirect Costs Corresponding term unknown
Individual Evaluation Report Corresponding term unknown
Individual Fellowships NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
Industrial research Corresponding term unknown
Information Society Technologies Corresponding term unknown
Information and Communications Technology Corresponding term unknown
Infringement Corresponding term unknown
Initial Public Offering Corresponding term unknown
Injunctive relief Corresponding term unknown
Innovation Innovation
Innovation Alliances Corresponding term unknown
Innovation Relay Centres Corresponding term unknown
Innovation management Corresponding term unknown
Innovation system Corresponding term unknown
Innovative Training Networks no corresponding US term
Insight projects Corresponding term unknown
Installation Corresponding term unknown
Institution of higher education Corresponding term unknown
Instrument Corresponding term unknown
Integrated Project Corresponding term unknown
Integrated reporting on vocational training Corresponding term unknown
Integration Corresponding term unknown
Intelligent Energy Europe Programme Corresponding term unknown
Interdependencies Corresponding term unknown
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Corresponding term unknown
International Council for Science Corresponding term unknown
International Patent Classification Corresponding term unknown
International organisation International Organization
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Corresponding term unknown
Internet of Things Corresponding term unknown
Inventive step Corresponding term unknown
Inventorship Corresponding term unknown
Investment Corresponding term unknown
Irregularity Corresponding term unknown
Joint Programming Initiatives Corresponding term unknown
Joint Research Centre Corresponding term unknown
Joint authorship Corresponding term unknown
Joint ownership Corresponding term unknown
Joint technology initiatives Corresponding term unknown
Joint undertaking Corresponding term unknown
Joint venture Corresponding term unknown
Key Enabling Technologies Corresponding term unknown
Key technologies Corresponding term unknown
Know how Corresponding term unknown
Knowledge and Innovation Communities Corresponding term unknown
Beneficiaries Key Personnel
Coordinator Contacts Corresponding term unknown
Deliverable Deliverable
ERA-NETs Corresponding term unknown
European Commission no corresponding US term
European Research Area Corresponding term unknown
Exploitation Corresponding term unknown
Force Majeure Corresponding term unknown
Framework Programme Corresponding term unknown
Intellectual property Intellectual Property
International European Interest Organisation Corresponding term unknown
Knowledge society Corresponding term unknown
Legal Entity Corresponding term unknown
Legal Entity Authorised Representative Corresponding term unknown
Legal representative Corresponding term unknown
Letter of Intent Letter of Intent
License Agreement Corresponding term unknown
Linked third parties Corresponding term unknown
Living allowance Corresponding term unknown
Material Transfer Agreement Material Transfer Agreement
Member Corresponding term unknown
Memorandum of Understanding Memorandum of Understanding
Milestones Milestones
Multi-Institutional Agreement Corresponding term unknown
NACE code Corresponding term unknown
Network of Excellence Corresponding term unknown
Nice Classification Corresponding term unknown
Non-Exclusive License Corresponding term unknown
Non-profit legal entity Corresponding term unknown
Non-profit organisation Non-Profit Organization
Normal Accounting Practise Validation of Research Expenses
One-stage procedure Corresponding term unknown
Open Access Corresponding term unknown
Open Access to research data Corresponding term unknown
Open Source Software Corresponding term unknown
Panel Report Corresponding term unknown
Panel review Corresponding term unknown
Participant Corresponding term unknown
Participant Contacts Corresponding term unknown
Participant Portal Grant Management Services Corresponding term unknown
Participants Guarantee Fund Corresponding term unknown
Partnership agreement Corresponding term unknown
Patent Rights Corresponding term unknown
Peer review Peer Review
Plan for Use and Dissemination of Foreground Corresponding term unknown
Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results Corresponding term unknown
Pre-existing know-how Corresponding term unknown
Pre-proposal check Corresponding term unknown
Primary Coordinator Contact Corresponding term unknown
Prime Investigator Prime Investigator
Principal Investigator Principal Investigator
Priority Country Corresponding term unknown
Product Development Partnerships Corresponding term unknown
Project Project
Project Commencement Corresponding term unknown
Project Financial Signatories Corresponding term unknown
Project Legal Signatories Corresponding term unknown
Project Period/Duration Project Period
Property Property
Protection of knowledge Corresponding term unknown
Public-Private Partnership Corresponding term unknown
Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions cofund Corresponding term unknown
Public Research Organisations Corresponding term unknown
Public body Corresponding term unknown
Public procurement of innovative solutions Corresponding term unknown
Public procurer Corresponding term unknown
R&D funding Corresponding term unknown
R&D personnel Corresponding term unknown
Regulation Regulations
Reimbursement rate Corresponding term unknown
Research Executive Agency Corresponding term unknown
Research Integrity Research Integrity
Research Technology and Development Performers Corresponding term unknown
Research infrastructures Corresponding term unknown
Research organisation Corresponding term unknown
Researchers Corresponding term unknown
Reserve list Corresponding term unknown
Resilience Corresponding term unknown
Results Corresponding term unknown
Roadmap Corresponding term unknown
Royalty Corresponding term unknown
Rules for Participation Corresponding term unknown
Small or Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Corresponding term unknown
Secondment period Corresponding term unknown
Sideground Intellectual Property Corresponding term unknown
Smart Grid Corresponding term unknown
Societal Challenges Corresponding term unknown
Specific Support Action Corresponding term unknown
Statutory and social security costs Fringe benefits
Submission Date Corresponding term unknown
Suspension Suspension
Tangible Research Property Corresponding term unknown
Task Manager Corresponding term unknown
Termination Termination
Thematic Network Corresponding term unknown
Third Party In-Kind Contributions Third Party In-Kind Contributions
Thresholds Corresponding term unknown
Topic page Corresponding term unknown
Treaty of Lisbon Corresponding term unknown
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union Corresponding term unknown
Two-stage submission Corresponding term unknown
Two-step evaluation Corresponding term unknown
Two stage procedure Corresponding term unknown
Unit costs Corresponding term unknown
University of applied sciences Corresponding term unknown
Value added Corresponding term unknown
Vice-Chancellor Corresponding term unknown
Guide for Applications Grant Proposals Guide
Periodic Report Corresponding term unknown
Reporting Period Corresponding term unknown
Subcontract Subcontract
Subcontractor Subrecipient
Real Property Real Property
Internal audit Internal controls