Reimbursement rate

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For FP6 indirect actions, the Community contribution covers in general only a part of the eligible costs. The maximum reimbursement rates for costs incurred are determined by the type of activity: For contractors using the Additional Cost model: up to 100 % of their additional costs for all types of eligible activities (for the consortium management activity they may charge the cost of permanent personnel if they can determine their real costs). For contractors using the Full Cost or Full Cost Flat rate model:

  • for research and technological development activities up to 50 % of eligible costs;
  • for demonstration activities up to 35 % of eligible costs;
  • for management of the consortium activities up to 100 % of eligible cost not exceeding 7% of the total Community financial contribution;
  • for training up to 100 % of eligible costs;
  • for other specific activities up to 100 % of eligible costs;

Corresponding term unknown