Europe 2020
Europe 2020 is the EU’s growth strategy through the year 2020. It succeeds the Lisbon Strategy, which terminated in 2010. The new strategy is designed to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It is thus expected to achieve high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion in the Member States. Its effectiveness is continually being monitored in terms of five quantifiable indicators: growth in employment rates; improvement of the conditions for research and development; reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions via increases in energy efficiency and in use of renewable energy sources (as a percentage of total energy consumption); improvements in education levels; and the fight against poverty and social exclusion. Each Member State has defined its own national targets for each of these areas. In addition, the strategy is being flanked by concrete measures at the EU and Member State levels. “Horizon 2020” is the most important instrument for the implementation of the “Innovation Union”. “Horizon 2020”, which was launched on 1 January 2014, is designed to strengthen Europe in the context of global competition.
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