Bilat-Wiki:General disclaimer

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The content of this site is being provided freely, and no kind of agreement or contract is created between you and the owners or users of this site, the owners of the servers upon which it is housed, individual contributors to these pages, or project administrators or anyone else connected with this project subject to your claims against them directly. You are granted a limited license to copy anything from this site; it does not create or imply any contractual or extracontractual liability on the part of BILAT USA 4.0 or any of its agents, members, organizers or other users. No warranty can be accepted regarding the correctness, accuracy, up-to-dateness, reliability and completeness of the content of this information. BILAT USA 4.0 expressly reserves the right to change, to delete or temporarily not to publish the contents wholly or partly at any time and without giving notice. Liability claims against BILAT USA 4.0 because of tangible or intangible damage arising from accessing, using or not using the published information, through misuse of the connection or as a result of technical breakdowns are excluded. BILAT USA 4.0 has not checked third party web sites, i.e. web sites not located on its servers or in its area of influence that may be connected to this website via links, and does not accept any responsibility for the contents or the services offered thereon. For further information, please contact us.