Help/How to use

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This page should showyou how to use the Bilat wiki. It is a manual!

Please note that the Bilat wiki is work in progress and that not all equivalents have been added yet.


The Bilat wiki is in English; however, we use two language versions: European and American. The Bilat wiki has three parts: The Mainwiki where you will find the glossary, information pages and the help pages; the EU site containing the European terms (in the upper left-hand corner you will see the EU-stars) and the US site containing the US terms (in the upper left-hand corner you will see the US flag).

I know in which language version the term is and I look for the equivalent

You can search the term directly in the glossary and find the respective equivalent there. If you click on the term, you will see a definition. Please note that terms are often not fully equivalent, so there can be a difference in the definition of the American and the European term.

You can also search on the two Main Pages: US-Terms or EU-Terms. On the left-hand side, you will find the menu item "In other languages". If you click here, you will get to the respective equivalent.

I don't know in which language version the term is

Please go to the glossary, there you will find all terms with their equivalent (if there is an equivalent).