Final reporting

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For the final reporting period, the coordinator must submit, in addition to the periodic report, the final report within 60 days of the end of the final reporting period.

The final report covers the whole project and is composed of a final technical and a final financial part:

Final technical report is a publishable summary of the entire project

  • overview of the results and their exploitation and dissemination
  • conclusions on the project
  • its socio-economic impact of the project
  • an up-to-date link to the project website
  • project logos, diagrams, photographs and videos illustrating its work (if available).

Like the summaries for the periodic reports, the final summary must be written in a understandable style for a non-specialist audience. The coordinator must ensure that none of the material submitted for publication includes confidential or 'EU classified' information.

Final financial report

  • final summary financial statement that is automatically created by the system (consolidating the data from all individual financial statements for all beneficiaries and linked third parties, for all reporting periods) and that constitutes the request for payment of the balance
  • in some cases (and for some beneficiaries/linked third parties) it must be accompanied by a certificate on the financial statements - CFS (one certificate per beneficiary/linked third party).