Unallowable Costs

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Stanford: The federal Cost Principles establishes guidelines for the allowability of costs in Section J. Costs that are “unallowable” may not be recovered in the service center rate(s). Examples of service center unallowable costs include alcohol, internal interest unallowable, bad debt expense, stipends, and advertising.

Utah: A cost determined to be unallowable in accordance with the applicable cost principles or other terms and conditions contained in a grant award.

FAU Costs that cannot be charged to a project per sponsor guidelines or any other costs incurred by the University that Uniform Guidance specifies cannot be included in the development of the indirect cost rate charged, nor as a direct cost to a federally sponsored project, nor included in University recharge rates.

BSU: For purposes of OMB Circular A-21, an expense that cannot be included in the facilities and administrative cost rate proposal and cannot be charged as a direct cost to federal sponsored agreements.