Streamlined Non-Competing Award Process

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NIH: Streamlined process that includes a number of provisions that modify annual progress reports, NoAs, and financial reports. Funds are automatically carried over and are available for expenditure during the entire project period. All NIH award notices identify whether the grant is subject to or excluded from SNAP.

Routinely applied to:

all 'K' awards and 'R; awards, except R35s. Awards excluded from SNAP are those that do not having the authority to automatically carry over un-obligated balances (centers, cooperative agreements, Kirschstein-NRSA institutional training grants, non-Fast Track Phase I SBIR and STTR awards, clinical trials (regardless of activity code),

Program Project Grants (P01s), R35s and awards to individuals. See section Streamlined Non-Competing Award Process in the NIHGPS for additional information. SNAP instructions for submitting the progress report appear in the PHS 2590 Non-Competing Continuation Progress Report. When SNAP applies, the progress report must be submitted electronically using the eSNAP module in eRA Commons.

Umich: The Streamlined Non-competing Award Process (SNAP) makes use of the federal-wide Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR). The RPPR process requires that progress report submissions begin 45 days prior to the budget start date.

Ucsf: Streamlined process that includes provisions that modify annual progress reports, NoAs, and financial reports. Funds are automatically carried over and are available for expenditure during the entire project period. All NIH award notices identify whether the grant is subject to or excluded from SNAP. SNAP instructions for submitting the progress report appear in the PHS 2590 Non-Competing Continuation Progress Report. When SNAP applies, the progress report must be submitted electronically using the eSNAP module in eRA Commons.