Sponsored Projects

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Stanford: A sponsored project is an externally funded activity governed by terms and conditions specified in a written agreement between the sponsor and an entity such as Stanford University. The sponsored agreement is the legal instrument that binds the university to perform the Statement of Work under the direction of a PI (principal investigator) and further specifies the level of funding.

Umich: Any externally funded research or other scholarly activity that has a defined scope of work or set of objectives which provides a basis for sponsor expectations. In accordance with Section 3.06 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents, ORSP or Contract Administration is the President's delegated representative to grant prior approval for submission of proposals which if accepted will lead to funding for a sponsored project.

PVAMU: A division of the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects. SP staff are the sole point of contact for research and sponsored project activity either pre- award or post award for PVAMU responsible for reviewing and submitting contract and grant proposals, accepting grants, and negotiating contracts for extramurally-funded research, training, and public service projects on behalf of the University. SP staff act as PVAMU’s institutional official in matters involving the sponsor’s awarding office. SP and RF are also responsible for post-award activities, such as approving certain actions delegated to the campus by sponsors, obtaining sponsor approvals as required, resolving issues that arise during the project period, reviewing consultant agreements, and assuring compliance with University and sponsor policies and regulations. SP staff review for legal sufficiency and execute subcontracts with other institutions for performance of a portion of the scope of work under contracts and grants awarded to the University. Working with University Development, SP and RF coordinate proposal and award activity involving private entities and is responsible for the review and classification of income to the University.

WISC Research, training, instructional, or outreach/public service projects involving funds, materials, other forms of compensations, or exchanges of in-kind efforts from sources external to the UW under awards or agreements.

SMU: SMU Policy 7.1 defines a sponsored project as an activity that receives “external funding through grants to the University or through contracts or cooperative agreements between the University and a sponsor, where one or more of the following obligations applies:

  1. Financial obligation - the University is required to comply with conditions imposed when a sponsor awards funding for the performance of services or delivery of products described in a statement of work;
  2. Regulatory obligation - the University is required to comply with sponsor regulations.
  3. Reporting obligation - the University is required to provide to the sponsor technical performance reports or regulatory or administrative reports; or
  4. Accounting obligation - the University is required to establish a separate accounting record of project expenditures to demonstrate allowability of costs, to maintain financial accountability, to make financial reports to the sponsor, and to preserve appropriate records for audit.”