Office of Management and Budget Circulars

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DSP: The federal Office of Management and Budget released the OMB circulars to set forth policies and procedures for grants and contracts that are used by the federal government and organizations that receive federal funds. Prior to December 26, 2014, the University of Iowa was subject to OMB A-21 for cost principles, OMB A-110 for administrative requirements, and OMB A-133 for audit requirements.  OMB Circulars A-21, A-110 and A-133 were superseded by a new set of regulations (see Uniform Guidance), effective December 26, 2014.

BSU: OMB, working cooperatively with Federal agencies and non-Federal parties, established government wide grants management policies and guidelines through circulars and common rules. These policies are adopted by each grant making agency and inserted into their Federal regulations.

  • OMB A-21: This circular establishes principles for determining allowable costs applicable to grants, contracts and other agreements with educational institutions. All federal agencies that sponsor research and development, training, and other work at educational institutions shall apply the provisions of this circular in determining allowable costs. The principles shall also be used as a guide in the pricing of fixed price or lump sum agreements.
  • OMB A-110 : This circular establishes uniform administration requirements for federal grants and agreements awarded to institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations.
  • OMB A-133: This circular establishes audit requirements for federally sponsored awards and defines federal responsibilities for implementing and monitoring higher education and other nonprofit institutions that receive federal awards.