Intramural performers

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NSF3: Intramural performers are the agencies of the Federal Government. Their work is carried on directly by agency personnel. Obligations reported under this category are for activities performed or to be performed by the reporting agency itself or represent funds that the agency transfers to another Federal agency for performance of work as long as the ultimate performer is that agency or any Federal agency. If the ultimate performer is not a Federal agency, the funds so transferred are reported by the transferring agency under the appropriate extramural performer category (universities and colleges, other nonprofit institutions, or industrial firms). NOTE: Intramural activities cover not only the actual intramural R&D performance, but also the costs associated with the planning and administration of both intramural and extramural programs by Federal personnel. Intramural activities also include the costs of supplies and equipment, essentially of an "off-the-shelf" nature, that are procured for use in intramural R&D. For example, the purchase from an extramural source of an operational launch vehicle (i.e., one that has gone beyond the development or prototype stage) that is used for intramural performance of R&D is reported as a part of the cost of intramural R&D. See also Performer and Extramural performer.