Fields of science and engineering

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NSF3: Fields of science and engineering in this survey consist of eight broad field categories, each consisting of a number of detailed fields. The broad fields are:

  1. life sciences;
  2. psychology;
  3. physical sciences;
  4. environmental sciences;
  5. mathematics and computer sciences;
  6. engineering;
  7. social sciences;
  8. other sciences, not elsewhere classified.

The term "not elsewhere classified" (n.e.c.) is used for multidisciplinary projects within a broad field and for single-discipline projects for which a separate field has not been assigned. Detailed fields are grouped under each of the broad fields, and illustrative disciplines are provided for each detailed field. The illustrative disciplines are intended to be guidelines, not sharp definitions. They represent examples of disciplines generally classified under each detailed field. A discipline under one detailed field may be classified under another detailed field when the major emphasis is elsewhere. Research in biochemistry, for example, might be reported as biological, agricultural, or medical, depending on the orientation of the project. Human biochemistry would be classified under biological, but animal biochemistry or plant biochemistry would fall under agricultural. In no case is the research reported under more than one field. No double counting is intended or allowed.