Federally funded research and development centers

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NSF2: The R&D expenditures survey currently surveys 18 federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs). To qualify, an FFRDC must be engaged in basic or applied research, development, or management of R&D activities, and the results of these activities must be directly monitored by the Federal Government--usually a single agency--in a relationship expected to be maintained on a long-term basis. The center must be operated, managed, and administered by either a university or consortium of universities as an autonomous organization or as an identifiable separate operating unit of its parent institution. Finally, 70 percent or more of the center's financial support must be received from the Federal Government. A complete list of FFRDCs is available.

NSF3: R&D-performing organizations that are exclusively or substantially financed by the Federal Government and are supported by the Federal Government either to meet a particular R&D objective or, in some instances, to provide major facilities at universities for research and associated training purposes. Each center is administered either by an industrial firm, a university, or another nonprofit institution. In general, all of the following criteria are met by an organization that is included in the FFRDC category:

  1. Its primary activities include one or more of the following: basic research, applied research, development, or management of research and development (specifically excluded are organizations engaged primarily in routine quality control and testing, routine service activities, production, mapping and surveys, and information dissemination);
  2. It is a separate operational unit within the parent organization or is organized as a separately incorporated organization;
  3. It performs actual research and development or R&D management either upon direct request of the Federal Government or under a broad charter from the Federal Government but in either case under the direct monitorship of the Federal Government;
  4. It receives its major financial support (70 percent or more) from the Federal Government, usually from one agency;
  5. It has, or is expected to have, a long-term relationship with its sponsoring agency (about 5 years or more), as evidenced by specific obligations assumed by it and the agency;
  6. Most or all of its facilities are owned by, or are funded under contract with the Federal Government; and
  7. It has an average annual budget (operating and capital equipment) of at least $500,000.

See also Performer, Extramural performer, and List of FFRDCs.