Expiration Date

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NIH: In context of awarded grant: The date signifying the end of the current project period, after which the grantee is not authorized to obligate grant funds. In context of funding opportunity announcement key dates: The day after the last submission due date for the announcement. As of the Expiration Date, the announcement is no longer active and applications will not be accepted unless either the late policy or system issue policy apply.

Utah: Last date of a project; no charges may be made to a project after this date; see Duration Dates and Grant Period.

PVAMU: The date signifying the end of the performance period, as indicated on the Notice of Grant Award or award letter.

PSU: the date signifying the end of the performance period, as indicated on the Notice of Grant Award.

Spo: The date signifying the end of the performance period, as indicated on the Notice of Grant Award.