Expanded Authorities

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NIH: Operating authorities provided in Federal Administrative Regulations (e.g., A-110) to recipients that waive the requirement for prior approval for specified actions. NIH extended expanded authorities to all NIH awards except for the provision to automatically carry over unobligated balances thus these authorities have become the NIH Standard Terms of Award. Therefore, the term Expanded Authorities is no longer used at NIH (see NIH Grants Policy Statement:  8 Administrative Requirements  8.1 Changes in Project and Budget  8.1.1 NIH Standard Terms of Award).

OSP: The permission that many federal agencies give research universities to approve certain types of changes to grants without obtaining the sponsor’s authorization.  These changes include pre-award spending, no-cost extensions, and rebudgeting of restricted expense classes such as equipment.  Internal approval of most actions under expanded authorities is handled through GMAS.

Utah: The operating authorities provided to grantees under certain research grant mechanisms that waive the requirement for agency approval for specified actions.

Ucsf: Operating authorities provided in Federal Administrative Regulations (e.g., A-110, Uniform Guidance) to grantees that waive the requirement for prior approval for specified actions. NIH extended expanded authorities to all NIH awards except for the provision to automatically carry over unobligated balances thus these authorities have become the NIH Standard Terms of Award.