Contract Type

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Taimu: Formal proposals are officially approved and submitted by ORA in the name of the Principal Investigator on behalf of the University of Miami. An application for funding that contains all information necessary to describe project plans, staff capabilities, and funds requested. Contracts and Amendments are also reviewed and negotiated by ORA. Each is categorized as follows: New:

  • Proposals that are submitted for the first time or ongoing projects that must recompete for funding prior to expiration of the original award. Anticipation of financial assistance for a new project/activity that must be negotiated through a contract/agreement.

Non-Competing Renewal/Non-Competing Amendment:

  • An application requesting funding for a subsequent budget period within the previously approved project period. This is not a request for additional funds, but a request to receive funds awarded previously, but not yet released to UM by the sponsor. Funds are typically committed only one year at a time. At the end of the initial budget period, progress on the project is assessed. If satisfactory, an award is made for the next budget period, subject to the availability of funds. These proposals are not subjected to peer review beyond the initial project approval. 
  • Anticipation of funding for a subsequent budget period within the total approved project period through a contract/agreement amendment.

Competing Renewal:

  • An application requesting funding to continue, by one or more additional budget periods, of an existing award that would otherwise expire.

Supplemental/Supplemental Amendment

  • An application requesting an increase in support for expansion of the project’s approved scope of work in a current budget period. The request may be budgetary changes required for the remainder of the project period, as well as for the current budget period. 
  • Anticipation of an increase in support, scope, number of participants and/or tests for expansion of the project’s approved scope of work in a current budget period through a contract/agreement amendment.