Authorized Signature

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DSP: An authorized official is the person legally authorized to sign outgoing proposals, contracts, and agreements on behalf of the University of Iowa. The authorized signature is that persons signature. An authorized signature implies that the UI endorses the proposed project and is prepared to accept responsibility for it. Daniel Reed, Vice President for Research, is the authorized official for most proposals. Division of Sponsored Programs assistant and associate directors and director have the authority to sign for Vice President Reed. A contract, however, is not legal until it has been signed by one of a limited number of authorized officials - see Authorized UI Signatures and Contract Information.

Utah: Signature of person legally responsible for making agreements on behalf of an organization; must appear on an application before it can be considered an official request; implies that if an award is accepted, the responsibility for its proper administration is assured.

Spo: The signature of a university official who is designated to give assurances, make commitments, and execute documents on behalf of the UC Regents.